• Fitness & Health

    Fitness Journey

    For some of you, the word “fitness” makes you cringe. There are also those who practically live at their local gym. Then you have those who want to get into fitness starting the new year right! I was those three types of people at one point in my life. Now I stay at the gym 5-6 days a week. It took me years to get the motivation I have now to stay at the gym that many days a week. So let me tell you how I made it happen. Motivation There is no way that I can be the way I am right now without having motivation. You have…

  • Fitness & Health


    You can ask me how many times I motivated myself to go to the gym. When I first signed up for a gym membership, I worked out for 5 days straight. My poor body was so sore and come second week I do it again….. however the third week I end up finding reasons to why I can’t work out. Whether it’s stress from work, or ever kids getting sick or I’m getting sick. Yeah I was one of those people who had gym membership and never went.  So this time, since I’m blogging about it, I should be able to keep my end of the deal. The hardest part…