
15 Ways to wake up early without feeling tired.

Drink plenty of water 

Drinking water or even tea is essential. For the longest time, I did not drink enough fluid. Going to sleep dehydrated isn’t going to keep you in bed all night long. Most nights, I found myself walking straight to my kitchen grabbing something to drink. However, the downside is trying to fall asleep after gulping down a whole ice cold water is near impossible. It’s always best to keep your self hydrated during the day, especially right when you get up!! I’m no health expert but I know that my body feels much more active when I have a glass of water! 

Take melatonin at night

I used to have such a hard time falling asleep. I sometimes kept my tv on watched probably every tv series on Netflix thinking I would fall asleep during one or two episode. But taking melatonin an hour before my initial bed time helped me get a  better sleeping schedule and eventually, I no longer needed to binge greys anatomy

Stretch before going to bed 

I normally get my work out in the morning. So after a long day of work sitting in front of a desk, I don’t get to stretch my legs or my body. I sometimes catch myself tossing and turning thinking I need to stretch constantly. So, I tried to stretch or even do mild yoga right before sleep. For sure it helped me with my back ache at night, which helped me sleep better and left me waking up the next morning feeling better        

Don’t over eat before sleeping 

I’m very guilty of eating a lot at night. Yes, I love food and sometimes when I see huge pot of spaghetti, I go all out and eat as if i haven’t ate for weeks. But my body digests food so fast that I would have to use to restroom within 6 hours. Some people fall asleep faster when they sleep with a full belly, that’s great, but you aren’t a baby anymore and you can’t just use the restroom while you are asleep like a baby. So make sure to eat light, when you wake up the next morning you will feel a bit lighter than having two bowls of spaghetti in your body!

Put your phone on silent 

I struggle keeping my phone away from me and I’m sure many people have the same issue. But I learn how to put my phone on silent so when I’m actually busy, I won’t get interrupted. Same goes for going to bed. Your peace of mind is very valuable. Reading about negative things that goes on in this world is not something you want to read about before bed. Also, if it’s about work, it can wait until the next morning. Stress is the number one reason why people can not go to sleep. Best thing to do is put problems aside along with your phone. Aside from stress, phones can distract you from focusing on resting. Staying up until midnight, reading and watching Tik tok videos will not allow you to wake up the next morning not feeling groggy. 

Read a book

Reading couple pages out of your favorite book can also give you some peace. I don’t always read a book before going to sleep, however, when I do, I am so relaxed that I may fall asleep faster. 

Listen to calm ambient sound

I sleep like a baby when I hear rain drops or sometimes stream of water. I know I have been talking about how to sleep better but good sleep is important if your main goal is to wake up every morning not feeling tired. Finding ways to sleep better at night is an ultimate goal and for some people, white noise does help relax people and keeping them in bed

Have clothes ready in the morning 

Nothing bothers me more than not planning your morning. I don’t always dress as well as some of these influencers, however, having your clothes layed out for next morning makes things easier when waking up. Waking up and wondering what to wear can take forever and I always lose my motivation. It only takes about 15 mins at night to decide what to wear the next morning. So do it before going to bed

Wash your dishes at night 

Getting up early in the morning is one thing but waking up to dirty kitchen is much more irritating. Sometimes it can ruin a persons day. I’m that person!!! When I wake up, I love my morning ice coffee. But looking at a dirty sink can reverse my motivation and hide back in bed. So make sure to wash your dishes before going to bed! 

Keep your bedroom clean 

I love having a clean home. That’s says I love keeping my room clean. Less clutter helps me relax. The reason to this is because i won’t think about all the cleaning I would have to do the next morning. Which also helps me wake up more of a happy person

Room spray 

I seen a lot of people who love the scent of fall candles! That’s great!! But I can’t sleep with a candle lit. It’s just not safe! I use a room spray to keep my room smelling fresh. I also love to have scent like lavender and maybe vanilla to keep the room vibe more calm and cozy. Then when I wake up I have a eucalyptus / citrus spray to spray on my bed spray to wake me up. Scent can change a persons mood. 

Wear comfortable clothes to bed 

I can’t believe I have to say this, but I know couple people who sleep in jeans and a t shirt and some wear nothing at all. Always sleep wearing something loose. Wearing tight clothes does not help with blood circulation along with wearing a bra to bed is just not realistic for most woman. Wear something you wouldn’t have to toss and turn at night. You will wake up with no aches and pain the next morning 

Urinate before bed 

If you are amid drinker. Please please please use the restroom. It’s a horrible feeling when you are half asleep and also wanting to pee at 2am. I have a hard time falling back to sleep so right before bed, I religiously use the restroom hoping that I won’t wake up to use the restroom so I don’t have a huge battle at 2am in the morning.

Give yourself at least an hour before working out or work 

When I was a teenager, or even in my early 20s, I was able to wake up and go about my days. When you hit the 30 plus group, it isn’t realistic. It’s important to give yourself at least an hour to yourself to properly get up and get ready for the day, whether it’s grabbing a cup of coffee or reading a newspaper or watching the news. Give yourself some time to brush your teeth, fix your hair. Self care every morning is important. 

Fix your bed every morning

I practiced this since I was little. As soon as I wake up, I always fix my bed. This is one step I never forget to do because I know how rough I felt and how tired I was, having a fixed bed in the morning is one accomplishment. I learn that many successful people fix their bed after waking up. Also it helps me not get lazy and lay back in bed.

Put alarm on your phone but further away from reach 

We all have pushed the snooze button on our phone. Frankly, I wish Apple never put that option on my phone! But I keep my phone little further away from reach. Once I’m up, I am up and I won’t have to go back to bed, so having myself walk across my room to turn my alarm off helps me wake up! Hopefully these tips can help you have a better morning for everyone. I know it helps me so let me know if it works for you!