Day 1 Blogmas

I know it’s Blogmas however I like to take this time and write about fitness for my first day of Blogmas.

Fitness starts now. Don’t wait until New Years to start working out. 80 percent of the people who start their fitness journey on New Years always end up failing within couple months. So why not start now. What’s stopping you? I started my fitness journey in September 2020 and honestly, it’s probably the best thing I did in a while. 

What’s stopping you?

Is it because of all the food you are about to consume because of the holidays? If that’s the case you are already on the way to failing at the beginning of the year. Food shouldn’t be the reason why not to start asap. To me, fitness is all the mental state of readiness. I started my fitness journey because I wanted to be stronger. I wanted to tone my body and feel great every day. So far so good. I still eat normal food, I just learned to limit the amount of food that consume and the type of food I eat. Starting now or later isn’t going to change your habit if you are not mentally ready.  If you also aren’t ready to commit to your fitness now, what more on the first of the year! There are no excuses as to why you can not start now. Unless there is a medical reason. 

Being prepared

I noticed a lot of people go out of their way to buy pretty matching gym clothes or even get meal prep containers before starting their journey. I’m sorry to say this girlfriend, but getting a pretty outfit isn’t going to get fit! It may boost your confidence but truth be told fitness is not about flashing a pretty marching outfit at the gym. You have to work out. Those fluff on four bodies won’t go away on its own. Take the time to look at comfortable work out clothes and make sure to not purchase too much. If your fitness journey is successful, you will have to purchase different size clothing in the near future. What worked for me was purchase new clothes everytime I went a size down to reward myself. That way I always had something to look forward to. Being prepared goes both physically and mentally. Make sure to allow yourself be open minded and accept the changes that will happen on your daily routine!


Just because it’s around the holidays, doesn’t mean it will ruin your holiday plans or what you eat. During Thanksgiving I ate a whole lot of ”bad food”. I came back home from my visit with my sister and even after eating all that Thanksgiving turkey I lost weight. Now my fitness journey isn’t a matter of losing weight but instead gaining more strength. I’m not a fitness trainer of have a ever went to school for health and fitness. However, having to start fitness while during the holidays also help your burn calories while eating junk food so I believe it’s a win for all. Not only that it makes it even easier to stay at the gym even after new year’s because now you have accomplished your state of mind to going to the gym 3-6 days a week. 

How to start?

Just start! Whether it’s 30 minutes on the treadmill or an hour on free weights, just start. It doesn’t have to be perfect. No one started out knowing what they are doing. I personally watched a lot of youtube videos to learn more about each equipment. Most everything can be watched on YouTube.  This will also prepare yourself for the new year goal that you have made. By this time you will know most of the best work out for your body and create a routine or even a schedule to stay on track. Don’t be one of those people who is waiting for the new year give up within few weeks. Be different kind of breed and start your fitness journey today!